Super Sunday Cheers

nfl stadium field full with crowd watching the game during daytime

This week will be a short post as we at CariBling, and the rest of America, prepare for its unofficial holiday today! To all the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers fans out there, congratulations and enjoy the day!

We would also like to give a big shout-out to our dear friends Amber and Tara as they head out to Las Vegas, NV to attend this year’s Super Bowl LVIII game, courtesy of our friends at Bud Light! This year, Bud Light hosted a Super Bowl giveaway for 25 lucky winners, and our friend Amber won the grand prize! There’s really nothing more to say (lest we sound petty and jealous), so we will simply leave you with a couple of photos of the ladies before they left for their trip to Las Vegas.

Tara and Amber showing love to Bud Light and showing off their new football jewelry.

Also note that Carla made special jewelry the ladies are wearing just for the Super Bowl! The earrings, pendant, rings were created by Carla, including a couple of toe rings we forgot to get pictures of. The football earrings are an especially creative and nice touch for the occasion.

Here Tara and Amber show off their new football earrings, just in time for the Superbowl!

Here’s hoping your football day is a great one. Go Chiefs!…. Er, I mean 49ers!… um, which team is Amber and Tara rooting for again? Oh, well… Go team!

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